Great skincare that gives back this holiday season? Sign me up!
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Evian Mineral Water Facial Spray Review

When it comes to my daily fitness routine, we can pretty much say it is non-existent. I walk back and forth to work every day, and bike on occasion, so I am not completely inactive. My all-time favorite exercise is swimming, and the biggest reason for that, besides it being a great workout, is because […]
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Bare Republic Sunscreen Review

Summer officially starts this month, but chances are you are already spending time outside in the sun. Even if your summer is not so sunny, you should always consider putting on sunblock before you head outside. Since I was going to Hawaii, I knew I would need to pick up some more for my trip, […]
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The Wonders of STEAMCREAM

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by STEAMCREAM. All views and opinions are my own. When I returned from my trip to Japan, I had a cute package waiting in my apartment from the lovely people at STEAMCREAM. When I saw the tin, I thought the Japanese Plum (Ume) and Bush Wabler (Uguisu) decoration was adorable! […]