Happy Valentine’s Day! In honor of the holiday, I decided to share this easy chocolate bark recipe that you can make for your loved ones in less than an hour! I received the new Ghirardelli Strawberries and Chocolate squares and was inspired by them to make my own bark. The neat thing about chocolate bark […]
DIY Holiday Cookie Gift Jars with NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE Cookie Recipe

While browsing through Pinterest for baked good gift ideas, I have noticed a lot of the cookies in mason jars have layered dry ingredients that include baking instructions. While these type of mason jars look pretty, the last thing anyone wants is another task during the holidays. So instead of giving your friends or loved […]
Ghirardelli Chocolate Pumpkin Pecan Brownie Recipe

I love any excuse to bring delicious treats to the office and was stoked when Ghirardelli asked me to try out a recipe from their website using some of their products. I always bake cupcakes for work and felt it was time to branch out and bake something really different. Brownies are classic, but not […]