Just a little Christmas baking inspiration inspired by cupcakes made last year. My sister and I made the wreaths together for our family. The white chocolate leaves were melted and painted on the back of a clean lemon leaf. We peeled off the dry chocolate and placed on top of devils food cake with homemade […]
Fall Leaves and Acorns Wreath Cupcakes

I thought I’d share some photos of a wreath made of cupcakes my sister and I made over the Thanksgiving weekend. The leaves are made out of green milk chocolate and butterscotch chips melted and painted on the back of clean maple leaves for the detail. Some fell apart because they were painted on too […]
Thanksgiving “Stuffed Turkey” Cupcakes

In honor of the upcoming holiday, I wanted to share some cupcakes my sister and I made last Thanksgiving. They are “stuffed turkeys”, and we took this idea from the What’s New, Cupcake? book. We improvised the large turkey using a large Wilton cupcake pan and followed as much of the instructions that applied. The […]
School of Fish and Birthday Cake Cupcakes

Minnows for the last day of one of my coworkers with the last name Nimmo. She loved them! Birthday Cake made out of 34 cupcakes! I made these for our administrative teams monthly meeting and to celebrate the birthdays from the 2nd quarter. Two projects in one night! I cannot believe it! I am […]